Way of Working

OIC avoids the risks and inconveniences of traditional consultants

Traditional consulting suffers from numerous “non-customers”, in Blue Ocean Strategy terms – that is, business leaders who use consultants reluctantly, rarely, or not at all.  Indeed, notwithstanding the potential benefits of productive outside resources, even open-minded executives are wary of the intrusion, outcome uncertainty, and cost of management consultants.

At OIC, we practice what we preach, to start and build long-term partnerships with growth-oriented business leaders who can benefit from a hands-on, roll-up-the-sleeves partner to define, prioritize, and solve concrete problems – and get work done. 

OIC eliminates large project teams, continuous onsite presence, and conceptual and hard-to-implement results.  Meanwhile, we create practical ways to enter and sustain relationships with innovative ways of working – including clear strategy and structure to drive the work, frequent iteration with client owners, and sprint-based deliverables that engage enthusiastic teams.

OIC’s Counter Consulting approach is depicted by our Strategy Value Curve…

Agile Innovation is a powerful integration of business strategy, innovation strategy,
and Agile execution
that elevates the quality, speed, and ROI of innovation.